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5 Cool FREE Ableton Templates for you

Whether you are a regular producer or just somebody who enjoys making music as a hobby in their spare time, the creative juices sometimes are just not there and no matter how much we try we simply cant find the inspiration to record a track.

I thought about this quite alot and wanted to find a way that encouraged people to be able to get off the starting blocks straight away when the inspiration wasn't around. So I decided that when I set up my You Tube members only channel which is separate from my standard channel, that I was going to give away a free template each fortnight which was half started and ready to go.

The idea was I provide the beginnings of the track and you as the member will take the template and continue to finish it.

The ideas for this theme are to help you with your arrangement skills as for many people the lack of being able to fully arrange are quite common and are often one of the reasons people don't progress with their music.

I often get many requests from people who require mentoring for their production as they quite regularly ask me to guide them with their arrangements. So I decided to add them as a giveaway in my You Tube members subscription.

The variety of the templates changes each week and I believe that a variety of sub genres within House music are a great way to help you develop your sound selection and arrangement skills. So below are the first 5 templates that come free when you sign up with the members only program I have at You tube.

Be sure to ask me any questions regarding this offer and to just watch and listen to the recent templates that are available instantly once you sign up to the members channel.

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