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How to produce a Nu-Disco track 2000's Style.

Tips and tricks for that mid 2000 era style of Nu-Disco

Back in the mid to late 2000's The sound for Nu-Disco had a certain slower feel to it. Not all of it but for the most part things were on a slower pace. Knocking around the 110 BPM zone. Mostly the likes of Crazy P and Hot Toddys work as a solo artists this certainly was the case.

Some of those tracks for me were the essence of Nu-Disco. The slower pace, the electronic cosmic vibe. The dream like pads and arpeggio bass lines just made those tracks capture that Summer vibe perfectly.

If you like what you see in the video below and wish to learn more about this kind of thing in your own productions, then get in touch with RobjamWeb at the contact above on this site and book a free 30 minute consultation where we can discuss your musical aspirations and production needs in depth. Click the image below.

The tutorial below demonstrates how I captured some of those sounds from that period and put together this tutorial that gives you a few ideas and techniques in order to add some of these elements to your music production. Check the video out below.

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