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How To Use Sample Packs & Loops in Music Production

Samples packs are pretty much a big part of the electronic music production scene these days. There are literally thousands to choose from ranging from beats to Dubstep loops to ambient pads. But most important here at Waxadisc, the Disco Boogie samples packs are king. However using them is not a stepping stone to releasing a track purely made of loops.

The samples pack is there as an additional aid to enhance your track and give it an extra vibe that you as the producer was perhaps struggling to create.

They have been very useful to me over the years particularly with drum loops and percussion loops which I like to use from time to time. However what you don't want to do is rely on them completely as it will stump your growth as a producer. They are an aid and nothing more.

You can not release a track full of loops only as for one you will look weak and fake, and for two you will not be seen as a producer, you will be classed as a programmer or re-editor which is a totally different thing altogether.



So how do you use loops efficiently in order to make you track have your own stamp on there aswell as loops? The idea is to pick just one or two key areas that you perhaps struggle with and then build a track around that. So if you struggle with chords, then grab a chords loop and develop your own music around that so that it ends up becoming your own track.

Adding your own melody and creating an arrangement around loops is the key.

Lets take a look at the video below where I demonstrate the use of Rhodes chord loops that were created in the Waxadisc Disco Samples pack.

Here you will see how I have structured my own bass line around the chords to develop the track and make it my own new track. This then ends up developing even further by adding a lead line which can end up sounding way more like a new track altogether rather than a loop that sounds obvious.

If you want to develop your chord playing and understanding of how to write chords in a disco & funk style, then check out this post below. Here you can access a whole set of free videos showing you how to play which in turn will develop your playing skills massively.

Here is another example of using the bass loops to create your own track around the groove.

I load up a bass in the key of Gm7 then develop some Rhodes chords and a funky lead line around it. This then once again changes the course of the track and sounds nothing like a sample loop as it originally was.

The whole purpose I must always stress is never use loops as a get out of jail card. Use them as an enhancement for your tracks and try to create your own groove around them.

This is the point I want to make with samples packs. Use them as an added tool, not as a quick fix object.

So go forth and work some magic on those tracks of yours by adding samples where they are needed, not just because its easy.

To purchase and review the Waxadisc Ultimate Disco & Funk samples pack, click the image below here.

Check out the many different courses available at your own pace, please click the image below.

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