So the new Tensnake single sounds like it is something straight out of the early 1980's with its slap bass and squelchy synth bass. It has a smooth vocal and a lush production feel to it in general. The kind of track that you can dance to in a bar or at a live show. It is a perfectly executed silky disco tune.
So i decided to break it down as best as I could with the same structure and instruments. Whilst doing so it became apparent that there was very little to actually recreate. This is the beauty of such great disco tracks, where the back beat and the instruments are so few that the vocals make the track powerful.
It is only then when you remove the vocal that these things become obvious. So I stripped away the vocals using the Lala AI Vocal removing service online which you can view HERE.
and I was left with the instrumental. However with all of these vocal removal applications you are always left with artifacts and spill that cant be isolated from the original, but the majority of is fine and it is perfect for the basis of deconstruction.
So i began this process for my latest members only tutorial to give then the skills and techniques needed to be able to record their own tracks in this type of genre.
The video below demonstrates that for you in the short demo I provide.
Should you want to sign up for the you tube waxadisc members only school then check out the link by clicking the image below and see the two types of tiers that are available.
Other than that, you can listen and see how I break down the Tensnake record below in the video. If you like what you see and the way I deliver my content, be sure to click on the image above and see the offers.