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The Best Free Compressor/Limiter

Updated: Jun 29, 2022

How many compressors do you need? Well actually only one at a time and this is probably the best straight out of the box FREE plug in for that job.

There are an abundance of free compressors and limiters online and it is always a personal preference to each and everyone of us. However if you need something without too much technical detail and something you can use with ease, then this is the one you need.

I used it recently to add some punch and clarity to my weak sounding string arrangement and it worked a treat. So check out the video below and see for yourself just how much punch this things packs in an instant.

The link for the plug in is here. All you have to do is register to download it. But in the meantime be sure to watch the video below and see it at work with some disco strings.


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