After years of trying many different set ups and laptops and software and hard ware etc etc. Trying to search for that one set up that works like a dream. I spent years trying to link the perfect system to together but there was always something that would not gel.
Years later I think I have finally found the solution to not having to look at multiple screens and hardware at the same time. And the irony is the solution lies in a very affordable app on the my Samsung tablet.
The Koala sampler has been around for a few years now and it was only recently I discovered it. I was looking for a hardware sampler that I could use outside of my Korg Volca where I could trigger vocal samples and speeches etc without having to get overwhelmed with more equipment that needed to be synced etc.
I needed a one shot player that would stand separate from my rig and one that didn't have to be synced or timed up due to using it for only vocal snippets etc.
However I soon found out that this thing had so much more to offer and after a few tutorials I was in the loop with the Koala sampler and started banging out full length tracks of my music that I had previously prepared for my Ableton Push sets.
I can honestly say that this device is like having a Akai MPC but without all of the mind boggling fiddling about that one has to endure with an MPC. This app is straight to the point and is so easy a fiver year old could grasp it within a couple of hours.
Not only does it work like a dream it also can be synced to midi, which is an even bigger appeal for me as what I originally wanted as a stand alone vocal dropper, I now have a fully synced drum machine and fully sequenced track looper to go with my live DJ/Performance hybrid sets.
So check out the short video below to see my short sketch where I jam live on top of the Koala just to highlight what I intend to use it for. So here is to those of you who want to do something different by trying out a new way of working.
You can find the Koala app HERE
Watch my short video below and keep your eyes on my youtube channel or my RobJamWeb tiktok page as I will be uploading more videos with this superb app that has changed my musical ideas.